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Stewardship Ministry

The Stewardship Ministry advocates faithful giving, biblical tithing, and emphasizes the spiritual benefits of regular giving. It keeps members aware of the needs of our congregation and the opportunity for additional giving of their time, talent and financial resources. The Stewardship Ministry encourages support for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Metropolitan Chicago Synod, St. Cyprian's Food Pantry, United in Faith's capital appeal and United in Faith's own operational needs.


We often talk about being stewards of God’s gifts, but what does that mean? We operate under the illusion that what we possess is ours, but 1 Peter 4:8-11 makes it clear that we are merely stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. In fact, of the many definitions of “steward” in the dictionary, the common thread is that a steward is a caretaker (of money, property, things, God’s grace, etc.) who is acting in the best interest of the owner. As Christians, we recognize ourselves as stewards of God’s grace in its various forms, which includes our money and possessions (our treasure), as well as our talents and our time.

The Faith Promises Form is one tool you can use to ensure you are prayerfully and thoughtfully considering your stewardship of God’s grace in its various forms. You should have received the form in your third quarter giving statement, and extra forms are available on the table by the sanctuary.
We encourage everyone to complete the form and ask that you bring your faith promises (in a sealed envelope, if you wish) to the altar during the offertory on Faith Promises Sunday (in November each year). If you cannot or do not want to bring your faith promise to the altar, you may place it in the collection plate or provide it to the church office at any time. 

If you have questions, please contact Denise Boyer, Rich Guzik, Gretchen Quillin, or Pastor Carla Thompson Powell.

Faith Promises Form

Planning For The Journey

Is Your Spouse, Partner or Family Prepared for Your Death?

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