The Purpose & Guiding Principles of United in Faith
God's Purpose for Us and Our Guiding Principles are used to measure all we do in God's name. They are the template that we use in making all of our decisions.
God’s Purpose for United in Faith:
We are to be God’s Hands, Feet and Voice in the world.
Guiding Principles for United in Faith:
Jesus is Lord and Savior.
Reflect God’s love.
Pray and listen for God’s guidance.
Continue to strengthen faith.
Include All in God’s work.
Meet people where they are.
From the UIF Newsletter in 2010, Pastor Greg Moser describes where these guiding principles came from and what they mean for United in Faith moving forward.
Dear Christian Friends,
Over the past months many within our congregation worked hard in order to chart a renewed path forward for United in Faith. It is clear that for many the previous vision and values statements had become – well old. It is clear that they have served their purpose. Let us celebrate the many accomplishments which they lead to: partnerships with the surrounding community, adaptive worship experiences, youth programs, programs for seniors, scholarships for kids and an emphasis on prayer. Those guiding values were rooted in a different time and a different place. United in Faith is no long becoming … it has become!
What have we become?
A worshiping community
A loving community
A serving community
A giving community
An important part of this community
A place with rich history
A place with much to share
A place with a bright future
A community with the institution capacity to adapt and change
Because time has passed, people have changed and passions have changed the time has come for a renewed direction. So the question is this. Where is God taking us now?
Looking forward what do we see?
We see a changing community
We see a diverse community
We see challenging economic times
We see a congregation ‘stressed’ to do ministry in almost every way
There are no more ‘traditional Lutherans’ in our neighborhood.
We see God calling us to be witnesses in these difficult times.
We see a vibrant and relevant ministry.
So what does this mean?
It means that we cannot stand still and we cannot let fear or lack of passion prevent us from moving. To stand still means a slow and downward path to irrelevance. God is calling us to ‘go out into the world and make disciples.’ It is on us to tell the story everywhere we are. It is on us to share the story. It is on us to nurture people in the faith. It is on us to love. It is on us to take the risks. Does this sound scary? Not really because Christ has promised to be with us!
What do we bring to the mission?
Committed people
A wonderful facility
An accessible facility
Some financial resources
A history of change and adaptation
The ability and willingness to innovate
What does God need from us as partners with a community of faith?
That will we be active
That we will engage in ministry
That we will take the necessary risks
That we will manage our congregational resources
That we will share our time, talent and financial resources so that God’s work can be done
That we will let go of old ways so that new ways can emerge.
>What will guide us into the future?
After a year of work, prayer, study, reflection, adaptation and listing to you God has lead us to the following vision statement and principles to us into the future.
Purpose Statement
We are to be God’s hands, feet and voice in the world.
Guiding Principles
Jesus is Lord and Savior
Reflect God’s love
Pray and listen for God’s guidance
Continue to strengthen faith
Include All in God’s work
Meet people where they are
Dear friends, God’s future awaits us. Let us trust God for that future and witness boldly to its coming. Come Lord Jesus Come!
Source: June 2010 Newsletter by Pastor Greg Moser