History of United in Faith
United in Faith Celebrates Growth and Transformation
United in Faith is a community of united disciples offering gifts to the world that can be found no place else. Our journey as a "new church" began on Chicago's Northwest Side more than ten years ago when eight struggling congregations - Gladstone Park, Holy Communion, Medill, Nebo, Our Lord's, Our Savior, Peace, and St. Andrew's - were transformed with joy into a new ministry. Eight churches closed their doors, bid their pastors farewell and sold their buildings to embrace God's calling.
Our community of faith was ceremoniously reborn into a single new church on Easter Sunday, April 12, 1998 as hundreds worshipped at Taft High School and expressed their fervent belief that a consolidated ministry could offer more to God and the world than its eight small church bodies. United in Faith became a model for the new church in the new century. Chicago Metropolitan Synod bishop Ken Olsen said on that Sunday, "I believe this church will become a leader in urban ministry. The primary mission of this new church will be serving, rather than being served."
United in Faith has, indeed, risked change and pushed out of its comfort zone to serve God and others. We have gladly accepted God's invitation to go and do. We have accomplished what few faith communities have done. In 2000 we renovated one half (13,000 square feet) of the former Vail Printing Co. building, 6525 Irving Park Road, as our modern, fully-accessible new home. We moved in in November. In 2000 we also welcomed Pastors Greg and Dawn Moser who have energetically focused our robust plan for spirit-filled mission. Our outreach and youth programs flourish, making expansion into our second building (9,500 square feet more) an exciting occasion in 2002.
We open our doors to all who seek help from our service and support ministries. We are partners in mission with St. Cyprian's Food Pantry, the City of Chicago's Golden Diners program, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Al-Anon, Survivors of Incest, and other churches and denominations. We have welcomed more than 100 new members in our first five years. Our mission field is our neighborhood and we celebrate the ministries of all people.
Our plans for the future, in keeping with our mission - To be God's Hands, Feet and Voice in the World - and our Guiding Principles - Jesus is Lord and Savior; Reflect God's love; Pray and listen for God's guidance; Continue to strengthen faith; Include all in God's work; and Meet people where they are - include refocusing our efforts to reevaluate out present and to redefine our future .
United in Faith is a community on the move. There's so much more to say... but we suggest you stop by sometime and feel the spirit of our Lord!
History of United in Faith
The merger of eight congregations was unheard of at the time and was extremely news worthy. The following are a collection of articles written at the time of the merger.
The following is a brief history of United in Faith's predecessor congregations and pictures of the church buildings.
The Eight Predecessor Churches
United in Faith is a relatively young congregation. We have decided to document our history in five-year increments. The following four documents detail our history for the past twenty years:
United in Faith: A Five-Year Journey, 1998 – 2003
The Journey Continues: Years 6 - 10, 2003 - 2008 - A Living Hope!
The Journey Continues: Years 11 - 15, 2008 - 2013 - Renewal
The Journey Continues: Years 16 - 20, 2013 - 2018 - Transition
The Journey Continues: Years 21 - 25, 2018 - 2023 - Pivot
To celebrate our 20th Anniversary as United in Faith Lutheran Church, the twenty years of history was combined into a single document and embellished with pictures of the clergy that served us:
The 20th Anniversary of United in Faith Lutheran Church